Online Photo Album
My Life
My Life
These images are in no particular order
Baby Pictures
Those embarassing ones every kid's parents take to bring out at unoportune moments
My cute puppy!!!
Camp Chamisall
Memories of years gone by spent at Camp Chamisall
James' Wedding
For those who don't believe it could ever have happened, here are the pictures to prove it!
Ride On
Two wheeled transportation at its best!
Life at Lee's
Life at Rob & Lee's
Little Boo Boo
Memories from a Mission Trip I went on to Grenada several years ago
Color Right Now
My previous employ
All the pictures that don't fit in somewhere else
August 7, 2002
Pictures from this particular day in my life
Waterslide Hotel
My stay in the Travelodge in Medicine Hat
The Next Generation
Can you believe my friends are already having families of their own?
October 26, 2002
Pat and I venture out to Maclean Creek for a morning of Quad-ing
December 20-22 2002
The Weekend before Christmas
April 25-27 2003
Stranded at Bo's place due to a freak snow storm
June 6-8, 2003
Pictures from my weekend
August 30, 2003
Re-Roofing My Parent's House
September 27, 2003
Movie Night at Ed's
December 11, 2004
Some 'Shadow & Light' Pictures I took today
December 18, 2004
Just another day
Breakforth 2005
January 28-30, 2005 in Edmonton
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(C) 2002 Cube Incorporated